The Strangest Job Application Follow-Ups That Ruined a Candidate’s Chances

In job applications, there's a fine line between follow-up and fiasco. Some candidates, armed with chocolates and interpretive dance, spectacularly missed it.

In the grand theatre of life, few things compare to the nerve-wracking drama of the job application process. It’s a saga filled with hope, anxiety, and the eternal question: “Did they get my email?”

And then, somewhere between the initial application and the polite rejection, lies the mysterious realm of the follow-up: a delicate dance between persistence and pestilence.

But what happens when this intricate ballet goes horribly wrong? When the subtle art of keeping oneself top-of-mind turns into a full-blown Shakespearean tragedy?

Well, let me tell you - some people manage to turn it into an absolute circus. Here are some of the strangest job application follow-ups that effectively torpedoed a candidate's chances faster than you can say “career-limiting move.”

1. The Overzealous Stalker

It’s important to show interest in a role. But there comes a point where “interest” becomes “restraining order,” and one candidate sailed right past that line.

Upon receiving no immediate response, they resorted to bombarding the hiring manager with:

  • Hourly emails
  • Text messages
  • A LinkedIn connection request

And, the pièce de résistance, a handwritten letter delivered by courier.

Persistence is one thing, but when your application follow-up requires a filing cabinet just to keep track, you might want to reassess your strategy.

2. The Unwanted Gift Giver

In an attempt to stand out, one hopeful applicant decided to send the hiring manager a box of chocolates - specifically, a box of chocolates that cost more than some people’s weekly grocery bill.

While this might seem like a sweet gesture, it quickly veered into bribery territory.

It turns out that most employers prefer qualifications over confectionery. Who knew?

3. The Accidental Critic

Then there was the candidate who, in a follow-up email, decided to offer some unsolicited “constructive criticism” about the interview process:

"I was surprised by the lack of professionalism displayed by your team. I expected better from a company of your stature."

Right, because nothing screams “hire me” quite like passive-aggressive feedback.

The result? An immediate spot on the shortlist… of people never to be invited back.

4. The Desperate Gambler

One individual took the “go big or go home” approach by writing:

"I'm willing to work for free for the first month, and if you don't like my work, you don’t have to keep me!"

While this might sound like a steal, it actually raises several red flags - not least of which is a complete lack of self-respect.

Pro tip: Employers generally prefer candidates who value their own contributions.

5. The Follow-Up That Wasn’t Meant for HR

We’ve all sent an email we wish we could take back. But one candidate took this to new heights by accidentally sending an email intended for their friend to the hiring manager:

"I nailed the interview! The hiring manager was a bit of a moron, though. LOL!"

Spoiler alert: There was no second interview.

Although it certainly left a lasting impression.

6. The ‘Wrong Company’ Follow-Up

Attention to detail is crucial. And when one applicant followed up with:

"I’m thrilled at the prospect of joining [Completely Incorrect Company Name]!"

…they inadvertently demonstrated a complete lack of it.

Let this be a lesson, folks: always double-check your emails before hitting send. Or risk being filed in the “thanks, but no thanks” folder.

7. The Facebook Frenzy

In an era defined by social media, one candidate decided the best way to follow up was to post a glowing review of the company on Facebook, tagging the company and every known employee in the process.

While it’s nice to be enthusiastic, this level of public adulation can backfire.

Especially when you accidentally tag the wrong person, like the CEO’s teenage daughter.

8. The ‘Creative’ Gesture

One particularly creative soul decided to follow up with a short interpretive dance video, complete with a soundscape of bongo drums and poetry.

While this might have worked if the role was for a performance artist, the position was actually for an accountant.

As they say in the theatre: wrong audience.

9. The Email Explosion

Patience is a virtue - a virtue clearly not shared by the candidate who sent the same follow-up email three times in a single day.

Unfortunately, the law of diminishing returns applies here, and by the third email, all they succeeded in achieving was an impressive deletion speed from the hiring manager.

10. The Phone Call Frenzy

And finally, the candidate who decided to call every day, multiple times a day, for two weeks straight.

While persistence is admirable, there’s a fine line between showing interest and crossing into territory usually reserved for telemarketers and spam calls.

Needless to say, their number was swiftly blocked.

Need to Hire Without the Headaches?

If navigating the minefield of job applications and follow-ups has left you reeling, we’re here to help. At Coburg Banks, we match employers with candidates who know how to follow up with tact and professionalism.

No chocolates, no interpretive dances, and definitely no unsolicited criticisms.

So, if you need to recruit candidates who can strike the right balance, get in touch. We promise to make the hiring process as painless as possible.

No restraining orders required.

We help great people get brilliant jobs in top companies.

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