Ah, the workplace email - the digital equivalent of a paper trail that, once sent, is out there forever. Much like the everlasting regret of eating an entire pizza at 2 a.m., there are some things you just can't take back. And topping that list is the email your boss sends that they definitely shouldn't have.
We've all been there. You're minding your own business, trying to look busy while scrolling through questionable barista art on Instagram. Then it happens. An email notification pops up and, with a pit of dread forming in your stomach, you see it’s from the boss.
And as you open it, you realise with growing horror that your boss has done the unthinkable. They’ve hit ‘send’ on something that should never have seen the light of day.
The Accidental ‘Reply All’
Let's start with the classic: the accidental ‘Reply All’. This little gem is the stuff of legend, and no office is immune.
Picture it: your boss, in a fit of exasperation, decides to reply to a particularly irksome email with some choice words.
Words that were meant for one person but, thanks to a slip of the finger, are now proudly displayed in every inbox from here to Timbuktu.
"Honestly, if Gary sends me another spreadsheet, I'm going to scream. His charts are more confusing than a cat in a maze."
And just like that, your inbox is filled with awkward silence and Gary is left with some serious spreadsheet-induced soul-searching.
The Misjudged Emoji
Next, the perilous minefield of misjudged emojis. Some bosses, bless their hearts, think they’re being hip and relatable by peppering their emails with emojis. But this isn't a Snapchat conversation; it's a professional environment, where a misplaced emoji can send entirely the wrong message.
Take, for instance, the smiley face:
"Please ensure the deadline is met 😄"
Is it a cheerful reminder? A passive-aggressive threat? Who can say? And don’t even get me started on the thumbs-up. It's the email equivalent of a non-committal shrug.
But the real danger is the accidental use of something far more inappropriate, like the eggplant emoji suddenly finding its way into a memo about the company garden party. We'll leave the consequences to your imagination.
The Overshare
Then there's the email that reveals far more than anyone ever needed to know. The overshare is an email that begins innocently enough but quickly descends into a vortex of uncomfortable personal details.
What starts as a simple update on next month’s targets turns into an unsolicited diatribe about last weekend’s escapades and your boss’s newfound love for interpretive dance.
"Also, unrelated, but my cat’s been sick, and I’m thinking of starting yoga. Thoughts?"
Thoughts, indeed. Mostly about why your boss thought the team needed to know about their cat’s gastrointestinal issues.
The Misfire
Let’s not forget the email misfire. This is when your boss, in a haze of caffeine-fueled enthusiasm, sends an email intended for one client to an entirely different one.
Suddenly, your esteemed partners are reading all about a product launch they have absolutely no interest in, with an attached presentation meant for their rivals.
Damage control ensues, and everyone is left wondering how long it’ll take before the boss’s coffee addiction spirals into a full-blown intervention.
The Unfortunate Forward
Last but by no means least, the unfortunate forward. This is the email that should have been deleted with extreme prejudice, but instead, it found its way into your inbox, like a cockroach that refuses to die.
Whether it’s an email chain from your boss’s family holiday or a highly inappropriate joke from a friend, this email’s very existence is a threat to your sanity and your job.
"Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Hilarious cat video!"
And now you’re left pondering two things: One, how to unsee what you’ve just seen. And two, whether your boss is secretly trying to sabotage their own career.
Need to Recruit Someone Who Knows When to Hit ‘Delete’?
If you're drowning in a sea of cringe-inducing emails and poor judgment, it might be time to consider hiring someone who knows when to not hit ‘send’.
At Coburg Banks, we help businesses find qualified professionals who can handle email with the same care and precision as a bomb disposal expert.
So if you need to recruit (and want to avoid becoming the next office email legend), get in touch.
We’ll make sure your next hire knows the difference between ‘Reply’ and ‘Reply All’. Promise.