8 Simple Steps to Help You Hand in Your Notice [Slideshare]

Thinking it's about time to move on from your current job? Well eventually, you're going to need to hand in your notice. Find out how in this blog post.

If you're reading this blog post, it's likely you're looking to leave your job.

And whether that's because you've found a new job, or because you've had enough, the process is still the same.

Although, it can be pretty difficult trying to figure out exactly what to say and how to say it, when handing in your notice...

Should you be honest about your reason for leaving? Are there any legal requirements on your part? What if they offer you a counter-offer?

All of these are good questions. If you're looking for answers, check out our step by step Slideshare on how to hand in your notice below:

8 Simple Steps to Help You Hand in Your Notice [Slideshare] from Coburg Banks Recruitment

Hopefully you're feeling a little more confident about the whole ordeal.

The best advice I can give you is do not leave on bad terms.

You don't want to burn any bridges, especially since you don't know what the future holds!

If you need some advice on the interview process, or finding a new job, check these posts out:

Anyway, good luck, hope it goes well!

P.S If you haven't found a job yet, feel free to check out our job opportunities.

Or get some tips on your job search by subscribing to our blog today.

Coburg Banks - Multi-Sector Recruitment Agency
We help great people get brilliant jobs in top companies.

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