The Best Christmas Cracker Jokes

Do you enjoy a good old Christmas cracker joke around the table? Well, so do we. That's why we've got 30 of the best, for you this week! Check them out here.

I know what you're thinking - and you're right - this has absolutely nothing to do with recruitment or work.

(Unless you work in a Christmas cracker factory, of course.)

But we just wanted to keep spirit festive, light and cheerful.

So I'll keep this short and sweet: here are the top 30 (in our opinion) Christmas cracker jokes!


Did you get any of these on the 25th?

If not, maybe you should reconsider where you get your crackers from...

If you'd like to keep reading some silly (lighthearted) posts, check these out:

Plus, don’t miss the chance to subscribe to our blog for more weekly updates of our Friday Funnies!

Hope you had a great Christmas!

Coburg Banks - Multi-Sector Recruitment Agency
We help great people get brilliant jobs in top companies.

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