8 Brainteasers To Keep Your Brain Ticking Over The Holidays

Do you see yourself as somewhat of a problem solver? Well, I challenge you to answer these eight festive brainteasers. They're harder than they look!

So... the Christmas period is here and many of you may start to be subconsciously winding down.

So we wanted to keep things a little lighthearted.

And at the same time last year, we sent out a blog post about brainteasers which went down very well! (It's just a bit of fun...)

So we were thinking you might enjoy it again this year...

1. Who is the favourite child?

Brainteaser 1: "As a Christmas gift parents buy 16 computer games for their 3 children! The youngest gets 1/8 of the games, the middle child gets 1/4 of the games and the oldest gets 1/2 of the games. How many games does each child receive and how many do the parents keep?” Courtesy of Julie Turnbull

Click here to check out the correct answer!

2. Christmas dinner.

Brainteaser 2: 2 mums and 2 daughters went out for Christmas dinner. Each ate one portion, yet only three portions were eaten in total. How is this possible?

Have you got it? Click here to check your answer.

3. Honey, I shrunk the candidate...

This weird question was alleged used by Google during interviews…

Brainteaser 3: You get shrunk to the size of a candy cane and then thrown into an empty blender. You’ve got 60 seconds before the blades start to turn… What do you do?

4. A Santa spit taboo bat tips at NASA.

This works best if the sentence is actually written down (it’s a bit mean otherwise).

Brainteaser 4: What’s interesting about this phrase: “A Santa spit taboo bat tips at NASA?” You can come up with your own (less Christmassy and strange) versions and you could (to make it easier) give them a few example sentences to work with.

Click here to check your answer!

5. This one's pinched from Mensa.

OK – so this one’s not that Christmassy – but it’s still a a fun brainteaser (I just couldn’t leave it out).

Brainteaser 5: Which of these letters is the odd one out? “F H K L N Y Z?”

Click here to discover the answer!

6. Yippee ki-yay!

You might just recognise this one...

Brainteaser 6: You have a 3-Litre jug a 5-Litre jug, and an unlimited supply of mulled wine. How do you get exactly 4 Litres of mulled wine without estimating?” UBS Investment Bank

Click here if you’d like McClane to reveal the answer for you…

7. Don't overthink it!

Brainteaser 7: If it takes 5 elves 5 minutes to make 5 dolls how long would it take 100 elves to make 100 dolls?

Your sharp-minded loved ones will probably get it straight away.

Click here to reveal the answer.

8. B C D G H I J M P Q R T U V X Y Z

I’ve nicked this one from Mensa again.

Brainteaser 8: Using the letters that are missing from this incomplete alphabet, work out what Christmassy word you can make: B C D G H I J M P Q R T U V X Y Z

Click here to find out the answer.


Did you get the right answers? Don't worry if not... it's all just a bit of fun.

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From everyone at Coburg Banks, we hope you have a wonderful festive period and a very happy new year.

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Merry Christmas.

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