50 Rather Inappropriate Interview Questions

How would you answer this in an interview situation: "if a penguin walked through the door right now wearing a sombrero, what would he say?" Tough one, right? Read more weird, funny and downright inappropriate interview questions here.

Interviews are a scary, but unfortunately necessary, part of life.

Almost all of us will have to attend one in some form or another and more generally speaking, you usually have to answer the usual interview questions like:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Why should we give you the job?
  • What are your hobbies?

But what would you do if an interviewer asked you one of the following 50 questions?


WOW! Some of these really do cross the line.

In fact, a lot of these questions are actually illegal to ask.

The philosophical and random questions aren't as bad and could be classed as brainteaser questions.

They're still pretty odd though - and enough to put me off definitely.

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