Ah, the modern office. A place where dreams are made, careers are forged, and if you’re really lucky, you might even get a desk near a window.
It’s an environment that many employers insist is bursting with ‘fun’ and ‘vibrant’ culture - where every day is a chance to experience something new and thrilling.
Or, at least, that’s what they’d like you to believe.
In reality, far too many offices seem to think that simply providing their employees with unlimited tea bags somehow counts as a perk.
It’s as if they’ve convinced themselves that the secret to a happy workforce lies not in decent pay, manageable workloads, or flexible hours, but in Earl Grey and English Breakfast.
The Great Tea Misconception
Let’s take a moment to think about this. Tea, while a national treasure, does not have the magical property of transforming a dull, soul-sucking workplace into a dynamic, engaging hub of innovation.
And yet, rather than investing in things that genuinely improve employee satisfaction - like decent salaries, comprehensive health benefits, or a half-decent espresso machine - some companies seem determined to go full-on Mary Poppins with their promises of a “fun office culture.”
But honestly, if I wanted to drink sixteen cups of tea a day, I could do that at home in my pajamas, without the added drawback of being stuck in a never-ending meeting about synergy.
When Tea Bags Become a Selling Point
Consider the following scenario: you’re scrolling through a job advert, and you see it - the tantalising promise, printed as though it’s the Holy Grail of employment perks:
"Join us for a fun office culture with unlimited tea bags!"
Ah, yes. Because the one thing standing between me and a fulfilling career is access to an unending supply of soggy tea leaves.
It’s like they think the average worker is a gremlin who will work for nothing more than the promise of a hot brew and a quiet corner to sip it in.
But in all seriousness, if your idea of a “fun” workplace involves little more than a well-stocked tea caddy, it might be time to reassess your priorities.
The True Essence of Office Culture
Real office culture isn’t about the abundance of caffeinated beverages or even the occasional ‘Pizza Friday’ (although, let’s be honest, nobody ever says no to free pizza).
It’s about creating an environment where people genuinely want to be - a place where they feel valued, supported, and like they’re doing something that matters.
It’s not about just getting the job done, but about how you get there - and making sure you have a laugh or two along the way.
That’s the kind of workplace where you’ll find people going above and beyond not because they feel like they have to, but because they want to.
Breaking Free from the Tea Bag Trap
So, if you’re an employer reading this, and you’ve recently advertised your company’s ‘fun culture’ in terms of tea bag availability, please - for everyone’s sake - broaden your horizons.
Invest in your team, listen to their feedback, and create a workplace that genuinely supports them. Trust us, it’ll take more than an endless supply of tea to get people excited about coming to work each day.
Looking to Recruit People Who Don’t Just Work for the Tea?
If you’re looking to hire people who care about more than just what’s in the office kitchen, Coburg Banks can help you find the right fit for your team.
We specialise in attracting candidates who are motivated by meaningful work, a positive environment, and genuine opportunities for growth - not just a fancy beverage station.
So, if you need to recruit without relying on tea bags as a bargaining chip, get in touch.
We’ll help you build a culture so genuinely engaging, you’ll be the talk of the tea room.