10 Tips For Successfully Onboarding a New Employee

A great onboarding process will boost team-work, culture, proactivity, output and your employer brand (amongst other things). So make sure you get it right!

June 20, 2023

Starting a new job is dead nerve-racking for most people.

That’s why, as managers, it’s our job to make the onboarding process as easy and stress-free as possible for our new team members!

And that means so much more than having your health and safety talk really well rehearsed.

Throughout those first few days, you (or someone you’ve nominated to do so) should be there to help your newbie settle in – and make them feel loved.

Check out our SlideShare below to find out more about improving your onboarding process.


If you focus on getting your onboarding process right, your new employees will settle in an awful lot quicker and that means that they'll…

• Be much more likely to get along with others. • Get stuck into their work much more quickly. • Genuinely start to care about your company (quicker). • “Brag” about it to other people (“look what my new company did for me”). • Stick around for longer.

And that’s brilliant for your employer brand, your recruitment efforts and company culture!

Seriously, check out this blog post if you don’t believe me.

Also, to help you out, have a look at this employee onboarding checklist from Continu which gives you a basic step-by-step overview of the onboarding process. (Plus, check out their onboarding blog post - here.)

Finally, something that you definitely can't miss out on, get your hands on a new kit for your new starter.

Our friends over at Promotion Resource Group have a great blog on what you should include, as well as some great examples from other companies too!

You can check their post out here.

If you’d like to read more articles like this one, subscribe to our HR blog today, HERE.

Good luck.

Coburg Banks - Multi-Sector Recruitment Agency
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