How to Attract Recruiters on LinkedIn: A 10 Step Guide

It's not too difficult to attract recruiters on LinkedIn, you just have to know how. This guest infographic from .CV-Nation shares all. Find out more here.

June 21, 2023

LinkedIn is the perfect career tool.

Yet many professionals still don't realise its potential in attracting recruiters.

In any career, sometimes you need to get your foot in the door.

As such, you need to reach out the best people from the right companies.

Whilst this may have been an impossible task in the days of letters and emails, it is now very much possible with the power of LinkedIn.

This unique social media offers you the chance to build a personal brand, giving you the freedom to explore your career options whilst growing your professional network.

It’s up to you how much of your information is available to other professionals.

The benefits

When you grow your network, your influence amongst your connections can grow.

This gives you the best chance to attract profile views, discover influencers and see potential employers.

You’d be surprised at how many meetings, conversations and collaborations start through LinkedIn.

Recruiters are rife within LinkedIn - it's a searchable haven for potential employers, so why wouldn't they be?

This unique social media gives users a wonderful opportunity to put themselves at the forefront of recruiter's minds when a suitable role comes up.

You have the power to customise your LinkedIn CV and employment history.

You can include all the skills you've gained, all the knowledge learnt, all the responsibilities given.

With the right additions and adjustments to your online profile, recruiters will be able to locate you much easier and approach you about the right career move.

However, LinkedIn is turning into a competitive market for prospective employees.

You need to make sure your profile stands out from the crowd and satisfies any curious recruiter.

CV-Nation has created a handy infographic, detailing 10 actionable tips from the industry experts, on how best to attract recruiters on LinkedIn.



Thanks for the infographic Adam!

Everything's true, and for more information on job searching via LinkedIn, check out our blog post: 7 Tips to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Appeal to Employers.

Don't forget that job sites aren't the only avenue for work.

So if you're really struggling, social media isn't a bad shout.

Good luck!

Coburg Banks - Multi-Sector Recruitment Agency
We help great people get brilliant jobs in top companies.