GCSE and A Level Retakes: Your Complete Guide

Want to retake your GCSEs or A Levels? Great! It's good that you're working towards improving your scores. Find all you need to know about retakes here. Enjoy!

Unhappy with your recent results?

GCSE and A Level retakes are perfectly normal.

Whether you’re planning on going to university, college or require a certain grade in your career, it’s never too late to retake a course.

So, if you’re considering retaking your GCSEs or A Levels, here’s everything you need to know.

Is it worth retaking my GCSE or A Level exams?

This solely depends on whether you need a certain grade or not.

If you’re just doing it because you didn’t get the A you were predicted, it’s not worth your time.

However, if you’ve missed out on a place at your chosen university, college or job, you shouldn’t hesitate in taking action.

GCSEs and A Level results are used as a measuring guide as to how competent you are as an individual by employers.

So, it’s always handy to bump them up if you can.

The benefits of retaking them include:

- Being eligible for further education

- Getting accepted into a better sixth form, college or university

- Attaining required grades for your industry of choice

- Improving your applications for jobs and apprenticeships

- Adding extra value and credibility to your CV

- Opening up more career choices and greater earning potential

Who can retake their GCSEs and A Levels?

The good news is that anyone can retake their GCSEs and A Levels, no matter how old you are.

Although, if you wanted an A Level in a subject, you must have a GCSE at Grade C or above in that equivalent subject to qualify first.

You can resit your exams in almost every subject.

The most common ones are English, Maths and Science as these are usually needed in certain jobs at a later date.

For instance, to be a primary school teacher, you’ll need at least a Grade C or above in both English and Science.

Remember, it’s never too late to start learning.

How can I retake my GCSE and A Level exams?

If you’ve just received your results, your best course of action is to speak to one of your teachers or your tutor.

They can guide you on signing up for a resit straightaway.

However, if it’s been a bit longer, you can pick up course packages on Reed that will enable you to learn in your own time.

This usually requires around 12 to 18 months of your time before you’re ready to take the exam.

The beauty of learning from home is that you can fit it around your other commitments.

A vast majority of the course providers allow you to pay in instalments too, so you won’t be left short-changed.

ICS Learn is one of the best providers in the UK at preparing students and mature students for their GCSE and A Level retakes.

They provide you with:

- Online learning with tutor support

- Mock tests and exams

- A cost-effective and flexible way of working

- Payment instalments to ease the load

Final thoughts

If you haven’t got the GCSE or A Level results you wanted, remember:

  • Not to panic – it’s not the end of the world. You can either retake them or just move on.
  • You have options – deciding whether to retake or not is tricky. But don’t forget that you have options – so, it’s not all doom and gloom.
  • Everyone is different – just because your friend or classmate got a better grade than you, it doesn’t make them better than you. Stay positive and try not to compare your results to them.
  • Help is available – there’s no shame in chatting to a friend, family member or teacher about your results. They can give you some perspective and guide you through your options.

Alternatively, if you’re unsure on what career path you want to take, before resitting your GCSE or A Level exams, sit down and consider your options.

In our previous blog, ‘UK Skills Shortage: What Industries Need Your Help?‘, you’ll find some interesting careers where there’s a skills shortage.

These industries might not require you to retake certain subject exams.

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