9 Brilliant "Meet the Team" Pages

Your "Meet the Team" page is dead important; it allows you to show off your company's spirit and boost your company brand. Here are some brilliant examples!

We decided it was time to redo our website this week. So I spent the week coming up with some new ideas.

And the one page I struggled with a little bit was the "Meet the Team" page.

Should it be fun or professional? Photos or text? Simple or detailed?

So I thought I'd do a little bit of research and see what other companies were doing... and some of the pages I found were brilliant!

Here are my favourites...

1. Studio AIRPORT

"By skillfully juggling design, art and the digital world, Studio AIRPORT create meaningful stories for diverse national and international clients and their audiences."


Their Meet the Team page sums that up, really.

2. Sagmeister and Walsh

Sagmeister and Walsh's Meet the Team page is much more subtle...


...and slightly unsettling when you first notice the photos moving!

3. Alquimia

Alquimia WRG have opted for a photo-less, sophisticated design.


But it's ok, if you were feeling nosy, each element links to the person's LinkedIn profile.

4. Rethink

Rethink have opted for a fun and friendly Meet the Team page.


It's a great way to showcase each individual's personality!

5. Rock Kitchen Harris

Rock Kitchen Harris are "creative, friendly people dedicated to producing ideas that work damn hard for our clients."









Their cute little Meet the Team page is a great example of their creativity.

6. Digital Marmalade

This creative effort from Digital Marmalade is a touch of genius.


The "top trumps-esque" layouts + hilarious superhero pictures are fun and informative!


This interactive Meet the Team page from LATERAL is a little bit mesmerising!

Go onto the website and have a go! (Hover over and click on the pictures.)

8. Live Chat

After checking out LiveChat's Meet the Team section, you can definitely feel their vibe!


Their brand/ employer brand is on point!

9. TargetProcess

Another interactive one, the TargetProcess Meet the Team page is my favourite from the lot.


It's a great idea, without going over the top!


The whole point in a "Meet the Team" page is to show off a company's culture and team, further cementing the brand (employer and general).

It's the same reason companies create those brilliant recruitment videos.

If you feel like you need some inspiration, check out these articles...

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