Do Not Make the Same CV Mistakes!

According to a recently published survey, job seekers are ruining their chances of securing dream jobs because of basic CV mistakes and errors.

The National Careers service has revealed that the most common CV mistakes were basic spelling and grammar errors, followed by the CV not being tailored towards the specific role.

So if u dont wnt 2 end up on the no’s pile (see what we did there) take heed of the following:

  • Ensure the email address you send your application from isn't quirky as it is not likely to be taken seriously
  • Check your CV carefully for spelling and grammar mistakes
  • Avoid common clichés such as "team player" and "results driven"
  • Make small adaptations to your CV to target the specific requirements of the job you are applying for

Some of the more inappropriate CVs which have been sent to potential employers have included:

  • A 17 page CV including every detail from when the applicant was born
  • Use of wording that the person whose CV it was did not understand because he had paid a firm to produce the CV for him
  • Using an inappropriate email address e.g. iamgreat@
  • A CV typed entirely in capital letters
  • A company name spelt incorrectly throughout the CV

It is recommended that jobseekers should spend at least an hour a week on their CV to help them secure that new role, but many don’t follow this advice.

At Coburg Banks we help all of our applicants with their vacancy submissions, eliminating CV mistakes to ensure that the employer can see exactly what candidates have to offer. By doing this the hiring process is significantly reduced and the majority of positions are filled efficiently.

Coburg Banks - Multi-Sector Recruitment Agency
We help great people get brilliant jobs in top companies.

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