5 Key Skills That (Pretty Much) All Employers Are Impressed By

Honestly, "key skills" like communication, organisation and teamwork are such a CV snore-fest these days. It's time to say something a little more impressive. Read this blog to find out more...

What does the “key skills” section of your CV look like?

Does it emphasize the good old clichés like “communication,” “organisation” and “team-work?”

Surely you’ve got something better to say?

Thing is, most employers will take generic (and boring) skills like the ones above as standard; they certainly won’t make them feel excited, impressed and compelled to hire you.

So, if you really want to ramp up your job search – whatever industry you’re hoping to join - have a think about the following skills instead…

1. Data Analysis.

These days, thanks to technological advancement, we’re all a bunch of data junkies.

From marketing stats to HR and recruitment analytics, there’s a real need for people who can collect, investigate and communicate data about pretty much everything we do.

It’s how businesses improve and grow.

So if you can give real-life examples of how you can do that, it’s certainly another extremely impressive string to your bow.

(If you’re going into marketing, this is pretty much a necessary skill these days.)

Check out this blog, to find out more.

2. Excel

Do you excel at excel? Then feel free to shout about it!

This is a great skill to have for a number of reasons…

  • We’re all data-junkies these days (see above). If you can collate and organise data into a readable format for analysis, companies will snap you up.
  • It gives the impression that you have an organised mind.
  • And it gives the impression that you’re at least a little bit technical; especially if you can use formulas and some of the more advanced features.

Confession time: I suck at Excel.

But I do know that once you become proficient at it, you can do some truly magical things.

You can pay for courses in Excel, or take a look at the free Microsoft training.

3. Technical and computer skills.

Now, in the same vein, you’re going to have to be fairly up to date with the latest and greatest technologies out there.

That could include…

  • CRM Software.
  • Cloud solutions.
  • Email or internal communication platforms.
  • Website creators like WordPress.
  • Or even social media.

Obviously, depending on your industry, there’ll be a different set of skills to learn.

And technology is moving at such a rapid rate that if you choose to ignore it, you will get left behind.

4. Commercial Awareness.

Now, unless you did Business Studies (or similar), this isn’t something you’ll have been taught at school, college or university. You learn this on the job or by making the effort to teach yourself.

But that just makes it all the more impressive when you do know what you’re talking about.

Recruiter Pro Tip I always advise people to do some research about the company and industry before attending an interview. It shows commitment, passion and a commercial-savvy that often, job candidates (especially graduates) just don’t have. Click here to read more.

If you can show insight, knowledge and most importantly, the ability to make sensible decisions based on that insight and knowledge, then you are guaranteed to impress.

5. Creativity.

Creativity isn’t just about being able to paint, design or write a great book…

Companies are absolutely calling out for “creative” people, who can think on their feet, come up with solutions (rather than problems) and who are willing to step outside their comfort zone.

Common sense, initiative and bravery all go hand-in-hand with creativity and if you can prove you’ve got these, you’ll soon get snapped up.


The above five skills are much more likely to impress employers, than the old clichés like “communication,” “organisational skills” and “teamwork” – so if you’ve got them, flaunt them!

If you’d like some more advice, feel free to browse these great articles…

Or if you’d like some more regular tips on boosting your job search then click here to subscribe to this blog – we’ll send over a quick weekly update with the latest.

Good luck!

Coburg Banks - Multi-Sector Recruitment Agency
We help great people get brilliant jobs in top companies.

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