3 Reasons to Keep Up Your Job Search During the Festive Season

What's the point in applying for jobs just before Christmas, right? WRONG! December is actually a great time to find your dream job. Here's why...

What’s the point in beginning your job search just before Christmas, right? WRONG!

This kind of attitude is a common one and it holds many a job-seeker back during the winter months.

But in fact, December is actually a pretty great time to find your dream job.

Here are just three (of many) reasons why...

1. Less competition.

Yes, recruitment does tend to slow down in December.

That’s because many companies don’t see the point in rushing things just before Christmas and as a reaction to that, many candidates give up (“I’ll start again in the New Year”).

But there are still a range of opportunities out there (take it from me, a recruiter) and a number of companies who are still hoping to hire this festive season!

(And I’m not just talking about Christmas jobs).

And even if you don’t start, or even get interviewed until January, you’ll be one step ahead of the rest, when 2017 rolls in…

2. Get ahead of the January rush.

January is the busiest time of the year for recruiters for two main reasons…

  • A lot of businesses will get a fresh budget to play with in January so they can actually afford to take on more people.
  • The whole “new year, new me” mixed with “January blues” vibe will convince more people to start looking for a new job.

So, going back to point one, when do you think is the best time to start your job search?

Now, so you’re slightly ahead of the game? Or in January, when competition is at its fiercest?

Recruiter Pro Tip I know what you’re thinking; if no companies are hiring right now, what jobs am I supposed to apply for in the first place? Like I said before, there are definitely still some vacancies out there, but if you feel like these begin to dry up, this time of year is actually perfect for sending out some speculative applications. Getting your name out to companies that might start recruiting in January is a great way to beat the rush (before they’ve even had a chance to advertise), be memorable (because it shows your commitment) and you never know, they may just interview you this month!

If you don’t hear anything back (because they’ve put recruitment on hold) you can always call them to follow up and remind them of your job application when you return to work in January!

3. Everyone is in a better mood!

'Tis the season to be jolly!

Ok, so this shouldn’t have an impact on your application (it’s a little unfair) but it definitely does.

On the lead up to Christmas, most people are feeling a little happier, friendlier and more generous and obviously, that could well work in your favour (let’s get them in and give them a chance)!

January is an entirely different month…

  • People have the back-to-work blues after the Christmas holiday.
  • People are busier, catching up (especially recruiters).
  • People are moodier, because they have less money (it’s a long month).

So, would you rather be interviewed by Scrooge or Father Christmas?

What have you got to lose?

So what if you don’t manage to find yourself a job before January? At least you tried and at least you started getting your name out there!

Plus, the more jobs you apply to, the easier the process will become and the more confident you’ll start to feel speaking to recruiters, selling yourself and writing applications.

A job search is a full time job in itself!

If you’d like some more great tips on job-seeking, CV-writing and careers in general, click here to subscribe to this blog – or check out these great resources…

Good luck.

Coburg Banks - Multi-Sector Recruitment Agency
We help great people get brilliant jobs in top companies.

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